Monday, October 5, 2015

Barbarisms lexicology

More specifically, barbarism is a word considered improper because it combines elements from different languages. Adjective: barbarous. Also known as barbarolexis.

How to use barbarism in a sentence. So in this article stylistic lexicology it can be stated that this branch of stylistics mostly deals with those language elements. Neologisms are newly born words. Most of them are terms. Reasons for borrowings.

CLASSIFICATION OF BORROWINGS ACCORDING TO THE BORROWED ASPECT. Archaisms – words which have come out of active usage, and have been ousted by their synonyms. They are used as stylistic devices to express solemnity. Barbarisms and foreignisms.

Many lexical archaisms belong to the poetic style: woe (sorrow), betwixt (between), to chide (to scold), save (except) etc. Isomophism and allomorphism in contrastive lexicology as basic principles. English and Ukrainian idioms, phraseologisms, usage, way of interpreting. Contrastive lexicology , object, aim, and tasks. The Dominant Synonyms.

Classification criteria Standard English vocabulary and its constituents. Lexicology and linguistics. Specific literary vocabulary. Stylistic classification of the English language vocabulary.

Shirt is a native wor and skirt is a Scandinavian borrowing. Aposiopesis(Gr.aposiopan to keep silence) is a stylistic device of a sudden pause, break in speech. Good knowledge of the description of the vocabulary, rules of word-formation, origin and history of words helps to guess and remember the meaning of new- learned words, to master the standards of their usage, and to prevent mistakes. Vocabulary means the sum of all the words in the language.

We proceed from the assumption that the word is the basic unit of language system, the largest on the morphologic and the smallest on the syntactic plane of linguistic analysis. A native word is a word which belongs to the original English word stock and is known from the earliest available manuscripts of the Old English period. Since many prefixes and suffixes in English are of Latin or Greek etymology, it is straightforward to add a prefix or suffix from one language to an English word that comes from a different language, thus creating a hybrid word. Every notional word of a natural language carries some definite information.

So, they are stylistically neutral: man, house, to run, red etc. This does not mean that they cannot be used. General problems of the theory of word. Referential Approach in Semasiology.

FOR LEXICOLOGY PART A. What are lexicology , word and vocabulary?

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