Browser based Console application. Small footprint: around 1. HDatabase Example Very fast, open source, JDBC API. It is an extremely fast database engine. It supports standard SQL and JDBC API. It has embedded and Server mode.
It can use PostgreSQL ODBC driver too. Hsupports clustering and multi-version concurrency. It provides a framework for mapping an object-oriented domain model to a relational database.
Here persistence happens on Memory of the system. An in-memory private database for one connection only is created. The database is closed when the connection to the database is closed.
Because of an embedded database , it is not used for production development but mostly used for development and testing. In this example we are creating a java class that shows how to load the driver, create a database , create table and insert some values into table. In our Spring Batch application, we will use FlatFileItemReader to create reader and JdbcBatchItemWriter to create writer. In above example , when java application run, the db user_account will be created automatically. We unzip the archive.
We move the installation directory to a destination of our choice. The Hserver does not need to run for this example. While we dont recommend this , it interesting to note that Hhas a persisted database mode.
Java Hmemory example. With this configuration, the data is not lost even after spring boot restart and computer restart. You would find Hbeing very rarely used in this way. Although if we need to persist the data, it supports that as well.
We can use Hwith disk based or in-memory databases. Initialize the HIn-Memory Database With the Schema. We will use Has the database. It will automatically be created and stored in computer memory. Hprovides a web interface called the HConsole to see the data.
Hdatabase and SpringBoot integration. We have provided spring-boot- h- database - example. Step 6: Click on the Generate button. When we click on the Generate button, it wraps the project in a Jar file and downloads it to the local system. Step 7: Extract the Jar file and paste it into the STS workspace.
This post shows how to use it in Gradle project. Create an example Gradle project. For example His defined as: package org.
This web application provide add employee and list added employees function. Hinstaller has very little capacity of about 8MB. One of the interesting features of the His that you can create an In-Memory Database instead of being stored in a computer hard drive.
Though we can add any database easily using datasource properties in application.
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