Tuesday, February 13, 2018


So we recommend you to benchmark thoroughly before setting the values for innodb_ thread _concurrency. That’s why MySQL works faster in Servers with multi-core high performance CPUs compared to several Servers with moderately performing CPUs. I set it back to innodb_ thread _concurrency=and CPU usage decreased. I would appreciate any thoughts on these.

With a proper innodb_ thread _concurrency, XtraDB is only marginally better. Are you running into MySQL load problems? By doing so, you run your database and website more efficiently and faster.

Here is a little help for you. Now innodb_thread_concurrency =means unlimitied count of concurrent threads inside InnoDB. It’s logical, but there was long way. In MySQL versions below 5. Changing innodb_thread_concurrency at runtime could cause errors. InnoDB timer-based Concurrency Throttling¶.

It would be nice to get a fix for this in 5. A setting of the default, permits as many threads as necessary. The default value in 5. After looking at innodb monitor I lowered innodb_thread_concurrency from 2to 32. Result: a huge performance boost. Seems the threads were waiting for mutexes most. Powerwith 96GB RAM and disk FC array.

We had innodb_thread_concurrency at changed to 5and machine would hang with simple queries. Baron wrote this in a comment to a recent blog post. I consider innodb_thread_concurrency a vestigial tail of the “built-in InnoDB” that ships by default with MySQL 5. Reducing the size of the innodb_thread_concurrency system variable may help if contention is related to thread scheduling. Spin rounds per wait shows the number of spinlock rounds per OS wait for a mutex. Description: MySQL server hang when gtid_ mode=on and innodb_thread_concurrency =16.

At first everything is okay but mysql server hang suddenly in 10~seconds. After server hang, I can not run SELECT query also. It depends on your system and workload but of course the number of CPUs is more important for thread concurrency! Testing and tuning the optimal value for the innodb_thread_concurrency parameter according to the kind of workloa and behavior of your system at runtime, can affect performance significantly.

MariaDB uses by default the Aria storage engine for internal temporary files. Proper setting got some extra performance. In theory innodb_thread_concurrency was described as variable which limits number of threads which can run in the Innodb kernel, the rest will wait in the queue until the slot is free. When innodb_thread_concurrency = queries on intrinsic temporary tables caused other sessions to hang.

Queries on intrinsic temporary tables should not increment the number of active threads. Thank you for the bug report. Tomek, it is not completely hung. There is lots of activity.

Consider setting this value if your system is going to share CPU load. G innodb_buffer_pool_instances = innodb_log_file_size = 384M Bottom line: You got the cores, and 128G RAM? What are you waiting for ? Crank it up and have some fun.

On Windows, you can use my.

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