Today - Showers with a high of °F (1 °C) and a chance of precipitation. Tonight - Partly cloudy with a chance of precipitation. The overnight low will be °F ( °C). Light rain and a gentle breeze Light rain and light winds Light cloud and light winds Sunny intervals and light winds Sunny intervals and light winds Sunny.
Yerevan , 0 United States of America.
Thank you for reporting this station. You will find this content on our new website under the weather forecast. You can read more about the ongoing changes here.
C (80°F) and the coldest is January at -2. The wettest month is November with an average of 40mm of rain. Light rain showers and light winds Light rain showers and light winds Light cloud and light winds Light rain showers and light winds Light rain and light winds. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 6℃ (or 42℉) on Sunday nd March at around am.
Heavy rain and a gentle breeze Heavy rain and light winds Light cloud and light winds Sunny intervals and light winds Sunny intervals and light winds Sunny.
Want to know what the weather is now? During the month of May and October you are most likely to experience good weather with pleasant average temperatures that fall between degrees Celsius (68°F) and degrees Celsius (77°F). On average, the warmest month(s) are June, July and August.
The weather is better from the previous month since in september it receives an average of 1. The climate good here october. The thermometer averaged maximum of 70°F. Weather feeds Speak to a Meteorologist.
During the summer the average temperature in the region are quite hot, up over 1in some cases. The summers are also very dry. Today the maximum temperature is degrees Celsius (50° Fahrenheit) and the weather condition is Patchy rain possible. It should be noted a worsening from the previous month since in march there is an average of 1. Temperatures are up to 67°F. Detailed weather forecast for today, tomorrow, the week, days, and the month on Yandex.
Online precipitation map and other weather maps. Time of sunrise and sunset. Information about regional climates.
The average minimum temperature will be -4°C, dipping to its lowest on the morning of Monday 27th at -7°C.
Especailly on Thursday the weather is fine. Rain will not occur during daytime. The temperature rises from degrees on Thursday to degrees on Friday. April 16th to June 24th. September 3rd to October 21st.
NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration).
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