Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Mysql swap usage

Mysql swap usage

But configuring it incorrectly can result in even worse performance (or even crashes). The first rule of configuring MySQL memory usage is you never want your MySQL to cause the operating system to swap. The following example demonstrates how to use Performance Schema and sys schema to monitor MySQL memory usage. Most Performance Schema memory instrumentation is disabled by default.

Mysql swap usage

Instruments can be enabled by updating the ENABLED column of the Performance Schema setup_instruments table. So i was trying to track where my mem is being used. G of my RAM but 33G of my swap is also is being used which i am unable to figure out why? GB database that adds about 200MB of size every month. The typical memory usage of mysql process is 3. GB and increases to 4. I am running a 1gb of RAM rackspace database server.

For some reason in about days the memory usage goes from using very little swap , to using 100mb. When I restart my database server, -normally- swap is zero. After some time swapping becomes large gradually. After days, I get 650MB swap of MySQL. I want to find what causes this swapping and try to reduce the swap without performance grade.

I want to be sure that the cause is cron queries or some other thing causes this swap size. RAM will be freed but swap will not free, so you need to restart your server to free swap. It is always a good practice to monitor swap space usage in Linux to ensure that your system operates relative to its memory demands. Due to improper configuration of MySQL , it leads to inefficient memory or wastage of memory. If the memory is lower than, required by the processes on the server.

To verify this, check available swap with swap -s. We test mysqld with several memory-leakage detectors (both commercial and Open Source), so there should be no memory leaks. But still only 5G swap is remaining and its getting consumed day by day. Please suggest something.

I have 48G of RAM and 42G of swap. SHall i restart the cluster. If it is actually MySQL that is causing the most swap , I would definitely recommend running mysqltuner. You can also take a look at this guide for best practices on configuring MySQL to avoid using swap disk.

References: ^ From the htop faq It is not possible to get the exact size of used swap space of a process. MySQL is the most widely used open-source relational database. But hey, you probably knew that already.

Mysql swap usage

Articles get written about MySQL on a daily basis, offering tips on how to set up, maintain an yes, even monitor MySQL. Oracle MySQL Cloud Service.

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