Thursday, July 19, 2018

Mysql fetch to array

Definition and Usage. Note: Fieldnames returned from this function are case-sensitive. Fetch a result row as an associative array , a numeric array , or both Warning This extension was deprecated in PHP 5. It is used to fetchs a result row as an associative array.

It returns an array of strings that corresponds to the fetched row. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow !

Please be sure to answer the question. Provide details and share your research! Converting from mysql to mysqli.

PHP function that allows you to access data stored in the result returned from a successful mysql _query. If you have been jumping around our MySQL Tutorial then you would have already seen this function popping up all over the place. In addition to storing the data in the numeric indices of the result array , the mysqli _ fetch _ array () function can also store the data in associative indices, using the field names of the result set as keys. If two or more columns of the result have the same field names, the last column will take precedence. Some code here, I want store mysql query result into an array with php, but my code return result: 2h, not what I wish.

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Returns an associative array that corresponds to the fetched row and moves the internal data pointer ahead. How to check if mysql_fetch_array is empty? MYSQL _ASSOC for the optional second parameter.

What does mysqli_query return? Is MySQL replaced with MYSQLI and PDO in PHP? This function name suggests that it returns an array. It fetches a result row as an associative array , a numeric array , or both. It has both numeric values as well as string values for a key.

This MySQL fetch method returns resultant array with both indices, that is, field offset and field name. So, it would be used most probably by having both option of indexing. By using the MYSQLI _ASSOC constant this function will behave identically to the mysqli _ fetch _assoc, while MYSQLI _NUM will behave identically to the mysqli _ fetch _row function. The final option MYSQLI _BOTH will create a single array with the attributes of both. Fetch data from mysql using mysqli _ fetch _ array.

It will both have numeric and string keys. SO first thing, go to the official documentation of the language you are using first. Returns an numerical array of strings that corresponds to the fetched row, or FALSE if there are no more rows. Dump all the raw into a multi-dim array using fetch _all(), then loop on that array when ready to echo output.

I personally would likely go with either the first or last of those options.

Using fetch array to convert to JSON may be a bit over the top, depending on what you want. The reason being is that fetch _ array outputs your data with an associative and a numbered index. Meaning that the JSON will then hold both of these when converted. This is probably one of the most common PHP errors. More often than not, this warning occurs whenever the developer in question has failed to make sure that their MySQL query is being executed successfully.

The sqlsrv_fetch_array function always returns data according to the Default PHP Data Types. For information about how to specify the PHP data type, see How to: Specify PHP Data Types. If a field with no name is retrieve the associative key for the array element will be an empty string ().

For more information, see sqlsrv_fetch_array.

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