Oracle Database automatically transfers integrity constraints, indexes, and grants on the old object to the new object. Interestingly, ALTER VIEW does not support renaming a view. If the view is not in your schema, you can recompile the view with the new name and then drop the old view.

In addition, it invalidates all objects that depend on the renamed table such as views, stored procedures, function, and synonyms. If there is a view or foreign key that references the table, attempts. RENAME TABLE statement. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The database also invalidates any local objects that depend on the view.
If you alter a view that is referenced by one or more materialized views, then those materialized views are invalidated. How to rename an oracle procedure? How can I rename a materialized view?
Can I rename a materialized view? How do you rename a table in Oracle? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. For example your table name is my_table.
A materialized view is stale if changes have been made to the contents of any of its master tables. Renaming a VIEW You cannot ALTER a view. This clause directs Oracle Database to assume that the materialized view is fresh and that no such changes have been made. Therefore, actual updates to those tables pending refresh are purged with respect to the materialized view. Answer: Yes, in Oracle , the VIEW continues to exist even after one of the tables (that the Oracle VIEW is based on) is dropped from the database.

However, if you try to query the Oracle VIEW after the table has been droppe you will receive a message indicating that the Oracle VIEW has errors. SQL Server rename view using Server Server Management Studio (SSMS) To rename the name of a view you follow these steps: First, in Object Explorer, expand the Databases, choose the database name which contains the view that you want to rename and expand the Views folder. Secon right-click the view that you want to rename and select Rename. The customer_credits view is also dependent on the structure of the customers table. If you rename or drop one of the columns referenced by the query such as name or credit_limit, the view customer_credits will not work anymore.
You can use views in many cases for different purposes. The most common uses of views. When to use the Oracle view. Action: Do not rename the base table of a materialized view.
Now, this is what I dont expect Oracle to do. If any one knows a logical reason, please share. I made a mistake on the name of a column in a Postgresql 9. Internally, all dependancies should be referenced by user ID instead of user Name, just like not to update the PK. The password is the only thing i can imagine why oracle is not offerring renaming schema. Come on oracle , just a name change but we need this feature!
In Oracle 9i and above we have a simple rename column command that makes it easy to rename any table column. Home Articles Misc Here. Materialized Views in Oracle.
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